Mindshare LA is a forum which promotes progressive curiosity - one which is respectful, but not of conventions. The team curates monthly workshops, salons and movie screenings that gather thousands of Angelenos for evenings of inspiration. Mindshare’s main event is held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month with a tantalising mix of eclectic presentations. It has become a mecca for intellectuals, artists, scientists and other progressive characters. Connecting people across disciplines while dissolving the boundaries is an integral part of the brand.

Mindshare has exposed LA audiences to some of the city's brightest and most creative minds since 2006. The decadent event combines quality intellectual ingredients to spark innovative ideas and interdisciplinary collaboration such as groundbreaking start-up Syyn Labs and the uniquely charitable Tuxedo Tyrants.

"Mindshare's balooning popularity is emblematic of generation steeped in chaos and an unbashed need for personal fulfillment" -- Fast Company


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